Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Seminyak Beach, Bali

Bali, a wonderful romantic place for two with the ability to be fun and exciting for singles or families also. The beauty of Bali alone is enough to refresh your spirit. The music, dance and culture will stimulate your curiosity and memories. Seminyak Beach with its white sandy beaches and rolling waves are perfect for the keen surfer or those who wish to indulge in the warm sun and outstanding landscape. Not only will you experience a rich culture unlike any other, you will carry memories of people, places, sounds, smells and a fantastic getaway.

 With my beloved father ;D

 I enjoyed the wonderful smell of the ocean. The smell was so strong, that it felt like I was eating fries with too much salt. The sunset was so beautiful, aside from the fact that just the colour of the sky was already satisfying. The sky was like a famous artist painting, so perfect, as if it was unreal. The wind made my hair fly around like a horse running at its fastest pace. I guess it's my lucky day, the beach was quiet. Even it was quieter than the park at night.

·         Dress – Local Market in China
·         Bracelet – BerryBenka
·         Sunglasses – Ray Ban


  1. These beach photos are so refreshing and I love your white dress - it reminds me of one I saw online by Victoria's Secret! :)
    - I follow back on Bloglovin' -


  2. Beautiful place and i love your chic dress too.

  3. Looks like a wonderful place , very nice dress!

  4. lovely dress !!

    Mind to visit and follow each other ?

    Thanks !!

  5. How lucky! I've never been to Bali but I would love to soon!
